Bonneville Speed Week August of 2006…nope 2021
It’s the Summer of 2006, I had just been laid off from my 10+ year job as a mechanic. I had just bought my first home…So what do I do? Plan a trip to the Bonneville Salt Flats with my father of course. This was to be my father & I first trip to Speed week at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. We were both overwhelmed with excitement both being “car guys”. Now this trip was for my father planned as a photography trip, I wasn’t yet into photography like I am today so I was just along for the ride and to check out the Streamliner race cars. Here is where the title of this blog comes in…A few days before we were to leave to go to Bonneville I get the call…a new job that I desperately needed at this point.
So I take the job and DON’T go to Bonneville. My father went without me and almost every year after through what was to be his final trip in 2021. We’ll see if that actually happens, only time will tell. So all these years I always felt bad I didn’t make this trip he always talked so lovingly about. So 2021 Comes along, the world is in the mist of the Corona Virus Pandemic. What do we do? We pack up our Photography gear and head to the 2021 Bonneville Speed Week Event...of cource.
I have to say, I was completely in awe the entire time I was there, the landscape is unlike anything I had ever seen before, salt as far as the eye can see horizon to horizon with a backdrop of the mountains. It’s a harsh yet beautiful sight to see. By mid-day each day my eyes just couldn’t take the salt anymore. It’s like spending a day in the Ocean only there is no water, and the sun on the white salt gets blinding by mid-morning. All that being said, it was SO WORTH IT! The things a saw, the experiences I had, the time spent as an adult on the road with my father making the 1,100 mile trip in the car. It was an experience I’ll remember the rest of my life. Oh and also I got some pretty great images…Here are a few. Thanks for reading my Blog and enjoy some of the best images I’ve ever captured.